
Do you know what is the most beautiful languages ​​in the public

here are languages ​​and dialects as well, and there are nearly 7 thousand languages ​​in the world, but dialects contained here may not be surprised some, but what is remembered is the result of a tour of the languages ​​of the world and personal impressions rather than scientific.

TThe following are more preferred languages ​​and dialects in the world, noting that the three languages ​​of the world's first languages ​​are Latin.1 - Italian: some calling it a musical, since they are ending with a somewhat elongated bug.2 - French: The French occupies the first rank, but the global decline led to falling to second.3 - Spanish: Spanish language occupies third place in the classification in terms of aesthetic language, and possibly the spread of a character which makes it Althae languages ​​Fine for some people.4 - Czech language was occupied fourth place among the beautiful language, because Dbabiha and accompanied with body language, and audio contained in this Bohemian language.5 - Nigeria: Nigeria occupied the dialect of the English language ranked fifth Because of its "Oh" and "er", without any destruction of the English.
6 - English (Oxford accent): It is the tone of high regard, and for the elite, as is the case in the tone of Queen Elizabeth.
7 - Brazil: possibly influenced by French, which includes a lot of diversity, which granted freedom of spirit more than the Portuguese themselves.
8 - Argentina: a Spanish-leaning Italian, or Spanish music, they contain the tide and vowels, and contain the effects of German.

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